The History of Scotland Magazine
Every month we will feature articles relating to the history of Scotland – famous people, famous battles, famous places etc. These will build over the months into a full and intriguing insight into the history of this ancient land.
You may also be interested in our History of Britain section covering the period from the Act of Union during Queen Anne‘s reign to the modern day.

Robert William Thomson
Did you know that the pneumatic tyre was patented by one of Scotland’s most prolific, but now largely forgotten, inventors, Robert William Thomson?

The History of Scotch Whisky, Uisge Beatha
No visit to Scotland would be complete without sampling a ‘wee dram’ of uisge beatha or ‘the water of life’ …the name given by the ancient Celts to the fiery amber nectar we now call Scotch whisky

The Stone of Destiny
The Celtic name of the stone upon which the true kings of Scotland have traditionally been crowned is Lia Fail, “the speaking stone”, or the stone which would proclaim the chosen king.

Flora MacDonald
One of the most romantic characters in Scottish history, Flora MacDonald is famous for her part in the escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie over the sea to Skye.

The Auld Alliance
Dating back to 1295, the Auld Alliance was built upon Scotland and France’s shared interests in controlling England’s aggressive expansion plans.

Prehistoric Britain
A short history of prehistoric Britain including the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages.