The History of Scotland Magazine
Every month we will feature articles relating to the history of Scotland – famous people, famous battles, famous places etc. These will build over the months into a full and intriguing insight into the history of this ancient land.
You may also be interested in our History of Britain section covering the period from the Act of Union during Queen Anne‘s reign to the modern day.

Thomas Cochrane – Master and Commander
The list of British Naval heroes is a long and illustrious one, including the likes of Drake, Nelson, Rodney, Hood and of course Thomas Cochrane. Thomas who, you may ask?

Victorian Poisoners
Poison was the first choice for many murderers in the Victorian era – and was particularly popular with women!

The King James Bible
The King James Bible has long been celebrated as one of the most significant texts of all time, not only for its accessible portrayal of the Christian religion, but also for its ability to spread the English language worldwide.

The mysterious disappearance of the Eilean Mor lighthouse keepers.
What drove three experienced lightkeepers to abandon their post on a remote island in the Outer Hebrides?

Langholm’s Proud Horsemen
The Border burghs of Scotland were always the first places to feel the onslaught of the English invaders. They celebrate their continuing existence with a flamboyant ceremony called the ‘Common Ridings’, an event that marks the right of the common land.

The History of Highland Dancing
Perhaps nothing captures the spirit of Scottish culture better than the sight of Highland dancing being performed at some Highland gathering in some far flung corner of the world.

Haggis, national dish of Scotland
Although an integral part of every Burns Night supper on January 25th, why is it that haggis, Scotland’s national dish, is often the butt of the national joke? Perhaps it is because the truth is a little more frightening than fiction…

William McGonagall – The Bard of Dundee
Each January, the life and works of the greatest of all Scottish poets, Rabbie Burns are celebrated. The words of the great man are read out aloud for all to appreciate, whilst little mention is made of William Topaz McGonagall – the bard of Dundee.