History Magazine

Packet vs. Privateer: The Victory of the Windsor Castle
A true-life David and Goliath story.

Surviving the Medieval Midwinter
As we snuggle down in our 21st century homes with their central heating and double glazing, let us spare a thought for those in medieval Britain. How did they survive a harsh winter, especially as this was during Europe’s ‘Little Ice Age’…

The Great Colour TV Scam of the 1970s
Were you, your parents or grandparents victims of the great colour TV scam of the 1970s?

Tudor Dentistry
Queen Elizabeth I set all the trends at court – including her sugar-rotted teeth. Famous for her love of sugar and all things sweet, the queen’s blackened teeth became a beauty trend, with some people even going as far as to purposefully rot their own teeth to emulate the look.

The History of Gentlemen’s Clubs
Dating from the Georgian era, gentlemen’s clubs were reserved exclusively for the aristocracy and the elite, to meet, drink, socialise and gamble. They were also the unofficial stomping grounds of political alliances and business networks. The members of these clubs – the establishment – would steer the political, economic and cultural course of society.