The History of England Magazine
Every month we present new feature articles relating to the history of this green and pleasant land. From ancient battlefields to famous people, hangings to national celebrations, we’ve got something to interest everyone.
You may also be interested in our History of Britain section covering the period from the Act of Union during Queen Anne‘s reign to the modern day.

Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
Handsome and immensely ambitious, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester was a favourite – and possible lover – of Queen Elizabeth I…

Aethelwulf King of Wessex
The father of Alfred the Great, King Aethelwulf (‘Noble Wolf’) was King of Wessex from 839-858. Aethelwulf allied with Mercia against the many Viking invasions…

The Abolition of the House of Lords
On 19th March 1649 the House of Lords was abolished by an Act of Parliament, which declared that “…the House of Lords is useless and dangerous to the people of England.”

Jane Boleyn
Jane Boleyn was lady-in-waiting to four queens, two of whom were executed on the orders of their husband, King Henry VIII. Jane was married to Anne Boleyn’s brother George who, like Anne and Jane, was also executed on Tower Green…

Francis Bacon
Born on 22nd January 1561, Francis Bacon was an influential figure: philosopher, parliamentarian and pioneer in scientific methodology. It has also been suggested that he may have written some of Shakespeare’s plays…

The Hundred Years War – The Lancastrian Phase
The Lancastrian Phase of the Hundred Years War was the third and final phase, from 1415 when King Henry V of England invaded Normandy, to the Battle of Castillon in1453 where the commander John Talbot, the Earl of Shrewsbury fatally led his men into…

A Tudor Christmas
The twelve days of Christmas would have been a most welcome break for the workers on the land, which in Tudor times would have been the majority of the people. All work, except for looking after the animals, would stop, restarting again on…

A Victorian Christmas
Christmas trees, carol singers, Christmas cards, Father Christmas and crackers – integral parts of a traditional Christmas, but why? The Victorians…

The Hundred Years War – The Caroline Phase
Nine years after the truce between France and England was cemented by the Treaty of Brétigny, hostilities broke out when the new French King on the throne, Charles V declared war. This second phase of the Hundred Years War became known as the Caroline War…