Reenactors Directory

Over the years we have received many requests from schools, media companies and historic venues for details of re-enactors, in order to help to bring alive the various period events that they wished to stage. In addition, many individuals have contacted us looking for similar information concerning societies and associations in which they can join, to share in the fun, interest and passion of a specific historic era.

In response to this demand, we have created a directory of UK-based living history societies and associations, complete with web links and contact details as appropriate. Each groups availability for public and school displays as well as film work is also indicated.

Sturmbattallion 12 LHG


We are a small group based in the Northwest of UK who are seeking to portray as accurately as possible the living conditions, tactics, uniform and equipment of a German Assault Engineer Battalion during the period 1916-1918.

  • Public Display
  • School Display
  • Film Work

Past Alive

Delepre Abbey, Northampton

Based in the Cluniac Nunnery of Delepre Abbey, Northampton, and covering the period from the Abbey’s founding in 1145 right up to the Second World War, Revelation is the only Living History Group focussing on the religious life of the Benedictine monks and nuns.

  • Public Display
  • School Display
  • Film Work

Rebellion Reenactment


Rebellion Re-enactment are a multi-period re-enactment group focusing on mounted soldiers during periods of civil unrest throughout history. We blend a unique mix of skill at arms and battle displays with living history. Our periods cover 1066 – 1270, the Jacobite Era, Napoleonic Era, and Victoria era (1880 Boer Wars).

  • Public Display
  • School Display
  • Film Work

Norwich and Norfolk Medieval Association

Norwich, Norfolk

We are a craft orientated 14th century group, the bowyer and fletcher also supporting an active archery contingent. We mainly operate within East Anglia and are family friendly.

  • Public Display
  • School Display
  • Film Work

The Companye of Merrie Folke


We are a dedicated and experienced group of re-enactors portraying the daily lives of the common people and gentry alike in the Medieval and Tudor periods. This is achieved through the medium of Living History, and is a tactile and interactive experience with authenticity as our watchword.

  • Public Display
  • School Display
  • Film Work

The House of The Twin Tailed Lion


We are an authentic 13th century reenactment group based in Worcestershire, primarily covering the events of the Second Barons’ War. We are best known for our front-and-centre spot in the Battle of Evesham, as Simon de Montfort and his retinue.

  • Public Display
  • School Display
  • Film Work



Grantanbrycg is a historical re-enactment group that focuses on the Anglo-Saxon period (780-1071CE), which covers the Viking age & Norman Conquest. Based in Cambridgeshire, UK we are a local chapter of Regia Anglorum.

  • Public Display
  • School Display
  • Film Work