1940’s Tea Room Encounter

Time Period: World War Two

Performer / Organiser: The Kitchen Front

January 16th, 17th, 18th; 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th; 29th, 30th, 31st, 1st February, 2nd; 5th February, 6th, 7th, 8th and more – from 10am to 4pm at The Kitchen Front, Bark House, Lower Wharf, Bude, Cornwall

1940’s Tea Room Encounter at The Kitchen Front.

We love living history at The Kitchen Front and offer a small space for a taste of the 1940s. Join us in our 1940s world. Take a seat at our vintage tea tables with a replica newspaper to read. Peruse our ration book menu with original WWII recipe cakes served on vintage fine bone china alongside loose leaf tea and artisan coffee. Relax in our nostalgic setting whilst vintage tunes play and staff serve in period outfits for a very unique tea room experience.

Please book 24h in advance for a full afternoon tea including sandwiches. To book: Please send us an email clair@thekitchenfront.co.uk or phone us via 01288 350107.

History Talk & Afternoon Tea every Wednesday 5pm-7pm and Friday 3pm-5pm.

For more details and information please click here.

Please note: Historic-UK.com take no liability for errors, subsequent changes or cancellations. You are advised to check on dates and times if you are making plans to attend.